Our response to planning application 21/0949/FUL, housing estate off Pasture Lane, Barrowford.
In summary the application should be refused for the following reasons;
- Development of this scale would compromise the rural character and have a detrimental impact on landscape views within and out of the area contrary to policy ENV1and
Barrowford Neighbourhood Plan policy BNDP 08 - The development would create an urbanising feature which would erode the visual qualities of the historic field patterns contrary to policy ENV1
- Impact on the two PROWs which have not been fully considered or described as part of the application, contrary to policy ENV1
- Inappropriate suburban housing with no consideration of the surrounding context contrary to ENV2
- No integration with the surrounding area, creating a separate urban extension into a green field site contrary to policy ENV1
- Increasing pressure on the social infrastructure, which is already at capacity, including health schools and roads, contrary to Policy ENV7
- Detrimental impact on existing drainage systems placing increasing pressure on known drainage ‘hot spot’ areas contrary to policy ENV7
- No proper consideration of the Biodiversity New Gain which the site should be bringing forward, contrary to policy ENV1
- A lack of any form of renewable energy considerations and designing for climate change contrary to policy ENV2
- Unbalanced mixture of housing type, not fulfilling requirements set out in policy LIV3
Download the full document here: